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“What’s your favorite food?”
I knew the answer to that question right away. Maggi. I loved Maggi.
Meet Jannice Newson and Nana Britwum. They are grad students at the University of Michigan, and they founded Lillian Augusta, a start-up that creates “hair without harm.”
There’s Amrit Kapai, who came out to his family as heterosexual in his 20s. Bali Aunty is a 44 year-old single mom, who has been divorced twice. Vishal and Anisha chronicle the experience of marriage pressures within the culture from parents and relatives. Monica shows off a proud desi identity, while Brian shows us a version of American assimilation with less knowledge of or connection to desi culture.
But all I wanted was the freedom to go on a bike ride. All I wanted was control over one aspect of my life, one semblance of freedom from the iron grip this virus has on our lives.
Settling in for the long-haul back home after COVID-19 wrought havoc all over my life, I reflected on some good memories I’ve had in Ann Arbor as I say goodbye for now.
This piece is dedicated to the nostalgia that it brought me while writing it. And to the people who inspired me to write it.
Stock-outs are among the most frustrating experiences for a customer to face. Here’s how to insulate against them.
Is it just singing and dancing, or is there more to it?
"If you can't fix it with duct-tape, you ain't using enough duct-tape." Or maybe you shouldn't even be using duct tape.
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It’s been a week since I moved into my new apartment in Ann Arbor in anticipation of my last year at Michigan.
And my god, has it been a week.