Porchside brews

Short stories


Edit description so that it’s clear that these are short stories, both fictional and memoir - update categories so that it’s either Moth or Fictional stories.

Every person has a story to tell – all they need is someone to listen. Whether that’s someone’s front porch at dusk or on a stage somewhere.

These are my stories inspired by the Moth.

Every month, Moth hosts a nation-wide story slam with a one-word theme. Stories at the Moth are always true, told as the speaker remembers them, and told live. Someday, I’ll make my way to a stage, but for now, I’ll write my stories out here.

The rules of this Moth-inspired page are a little different: I’ll write one story from a prompt once a month. They’ll be true stories, things I remember from my life, sometimes with a lesson, sometimes just something I remember. The stories will be around 600 words long (that’s 5 minutes, right?). There might be links to longer, more refined versions too. They’ll be true. They’ll have action. And the idea is that they’ll get better with time.

So, just like always, grab a mug, and let’s sit and chat.